Digital Workflow Overview


The Digital Workflow Hub


Spectra is more than just a great management software tool—it’s also a great imaging software. Whether you shoot digitally or receive digital images from your lab, you can benefit from Spectra’ digital sales presentation, digital workflow management, and image management capabilities. Here’s an overview of how to utilize the exciting tool of digital imaging with Spectra.

  1. Schedule and shoot a photo session.   

  2. Capture the images from the digital camera or receive a CD of images from the lab.

  3. Import the images in Spectra, a process where images are copied from your camera card, JPEG previews are created and an archive CD is burned of the images.

  4. Open your original images in Lightroom (right from Spectra) for organization and pre-touch. Then export the images back to Spectra, creating new previews in the process.

  5. Prepare and present the images to the client using the Sales Presentation screen and the Slideshow.

  6. Rank and group images, eliminating images the client does not want to order.

  7. Compare images side-by-side to help the client in their decision making process.

  8. Create an order to record the customer’s order information and any special notes for retouching. This process automatically creates an invoice in spectra.

  9. Confirm the order with the client and save it.

  10. Print an invoice and an image detail sheet for the client to take with them.

  11. Print an optional contact sheet of all the images for the client.

  12. After the client leaves, convert the invoice into one or more production orders for each vendor.

  13. Then complete your digital retouching in your photo editing software.

  14. Use Spectra to create a lab CD or use Spectra to FTP image files directly to the lab for printing.

  15. Use the Production hub to track the status of the order.

  16. Use Spectra to create an archive CD and to create a catalog of the archived images for future retrieval.

  17. Delete your image files to free up disk space.


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