(available in )
Once you're sure you no longer need to work with your images and they have been archived, you can delete the images from your server. We recommend that you wait at least one or two weeks after the client has completed their order in case you receive more orders. However, if necessary, you can retrieve the images from your archives.
From the Delete Images stage on the Workflow hub, highlight a session that had been archived and is ready to be deleted.
Don't delete your preview images. They should be smaller files that won't have as much impact on your disk space. If you leave them, you can continue to view them in Spectra. |
Click Delete Files (located in the Action group on the ribbon) to begin the deletion process.
Delete Images
On the Delete Images page, select the images that you want to delete.
Warning! All of these images will be PERMANENTLY deleted. |
Click Delete Images. Spectra will ask you if you are sure that you want to permanently delete these files. Click Yes to delete them, or No to cancel.
You have completed the Digital Workflow.