Studio Preferences - Invoicing

(available in Express.png Standard.png Professional.png OnLocation.png Enterprise.png)

Sales Tax

Select your tax method.

For the American or European methods you can select either Invoice Level or Line Item Level. Invoice Level calculates the tax on the total of the invoice, where Line Item Level calculates the tax for each line item and then totals the individual tax amounts. If you choose Line Item Level, you will have the option in Price List Maintenance to set the sales tax for each line item.

NOTE: Australian studios should use the European tax method choice.


Studio Preferences - Invoicing



Sales Tax Maintenance

Quantity Based Pricing

(available in  Standard.png Professional.png OnLocation.png Enterprise.png)


Spectra allows you to set up your pricing structure to offer quantity discounts. Select from the options shown here to determine how Spectra will calculate quantity discounts.


Studio Preferences - Invoicing (continued)

Client Invoicing Price List

(available in Express.png Standard.png Professional.png OnLocation.png Enterprise.png)


Most of your Spectra invoices will be connected to a session, but on occasion you will create an invoice that is not related to a session. This is called a client-based invoice. This is where you can select the price list Spectra will use for that type of invoice. Use the down arrow to select which of your price lists will be used for this purpose. This option can be changed at any time, but cannot be over-ridden at the time of invoicing.  


(available in Express.png Standard.png Professional.png OnLocation.png Enterprise.png )


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