(available in
To organize the variety of sessions you offer, you may create your own session types in Spectra. For example, you may offer different types of wedding coverage: Standard, Royal, Deluxe, etc.. Each type of wedding coverage could be created as a unique session type. You may create as many session types as you find helpful. Session types are then linked to a price list for invoicing purposes and only items on the price list you've selected will be available for invoicing..
Go to Maintenance > Session > Session Types to define your session types. Note: Session types may also be defined from the List Maintenance tab on the Price List maintenance screen. See the “Working with Sessions” section of "Scheduling" chapter more information on how to set up session types. Each session type may have a default length and color.
Session Types Maintenance
Description - Enter the name of the session type.
Price List - Select the price list that should be associated with this session type. When invoicing, only those items on the selected price list will be available.
Color - Choose the color you would like to use for this type of session on the calendar. Click on the "..." button and select one of the displayed colors or "mix" your own.
Default Length - Enter the default length (in minutes) of this session type. The length of a session may be modified when scheduling.
Sort Order - Any time a list of session types is displayed in a drop-down list, the order will be determined by the sort order you've assigned to each session type (i.e., put your most common used session type at the top by giving it a "1").
G/L Sales Account - (available
in ) Select the specific general
ledger account to which you want sales of this session type to be
posted. If left blank, sales will post to the default sales account
listed on the Accounting page
in Studio Preferences under
General Sales.
If an accounting link is chosen, data will export to the sales account
listed here; otherwise, the account number or label merely prints
on all posting reports.
G/L Discount Account - (available
in ) Select the specific general
ledger account to which you want any discounts on this session type
to be posted. If left blank, discounts will post to the default discount
account listed on the Accounting
page in Studio Preferences
under Discounts. If an accounting
link is chosen, data will export to the discount account listed here;
otherwise, the account number or label merely prints on all posting
Session Confirmation Desc -
Web Price List - If using InSpiredByYou.com, select the price list to be used online for this session type. Note: This price list must be enabled for online use. See the "Price Lists" topic for more information.
Default Duration Online - Also related to InSpiredByYou.com, set the default online duration for this session type.
Inactive - If this session type is inactive, check this box and it will no longer appear on your drop-down lists.
Photographer Description - Use this field to alter the photographer label that appears on the session record for a specific session type. For example, a session type of "Videography" may use a videographer instead of a photographer. In this case, entering "Videographer" as the Photographer Description would change how that field is labeled for sessions of that type.
Assistant Description - Use this field to alter the assistant label that appears on the session record for a specific session type. For example, some studios may find it helpful to change "Assistant" to "Makeup Artist" for certain session types.
Session Style
- (available in ) Select a session style to "turn
on" additional features in Spectra related to social events (such
as weddings) or organizations (such as senior sessions). Spectra will
automatically add "pages" to the Scheduling
Wizard and additional tabs to the client and session records
to track information specific to social event or organizations.
Session Confirmation
and Invoice Terms - Use one or both of these options to enter
any terms you would like to include at the bottom of your session
confirmations or invoices for this session type. Also see the "List
Maintenance" section of this chapter for more ways to enter terms.
Descriptions on Calendar - Use this option to modify the session and client information that is displayed on the calendar for this session type. Spectra provides a default description, but you can insert additional fields, rearrange the information, and/or delete things you don't need.