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Sign Up for StudioPlus myStratus

After submitting the following information, you will receive a confirmation email to verify your details. If they are correct, just click the link to confirm and your database will be created! We'll send you login credentials and any other information you need to get up and running!

Step 1: Enter Your Account Information

First Name:
Last Name:
Company Name:
Enter the company name exactly as you want it to appear, including capitalization. It CANNOT be changed later!
Address 1:
Address 2:
Zip/Postal Code:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Email Address:
Make sure to enter a valid email address.You will need to confirm your email address to complete the activation process.
Your Web Address:
Your Language Setting:
Used by Stratus to determine your currency and date formats.
Your Time Zone:
Used by Stratus to determine your clock settings.
Stratus Web Address:
Indicate how you want to access your new Stratus website. Note: This will also be used for your account for Standard and Professional users.

Step 2: Select Your Plan

Select Product:
Additional Users:

Add users if several people need to use Stratus at the same time.

Promotion Code:

Step 3: Select Your Options

 I would like to receive a free, no obligation, credit card processing quote from TSYS (US only), eWAY (AU and NZ), or Global Payments (CA and Europe) so I can process credit cards through Stratus.

 I have data in a Spectra database that I would like converted to Stratus. ($245 Conversion Fee)

Step 4: Accept Terms of Agreement

You are authorizing StudioPlus Software, LLC to create a myStratus subscription for your business. You agree to abide to the "Terms of Use" agreement, as amended from time to time, of the site as posted in the Help menu of myStratus. You may cancel at any time by sending a cancellation email to You agree to pay the current myStratus fees as posted at

You are charged either a "Monthly Fee" or "Annual Fee" at the beginning of each billing cycle. The fee does not include any credit card processing charges that may be charged directly to you by your credit card processing company. StudioPlus reserves the right to change the pricing structure or fees at any time. Any changes will be effective 30 days after notice of any change is provided on our website or by notice to you.

If any payment cannot be processed using your account information, you will be notified and payment must be remitted immediately. If your payment cannot be processed within ten (10) business days, StudioPlus retains the right to deactivate your myStratus account without further notice to you. It may be reactivated once your account is current again, and you may be charged a $50 "Reactivation Fee." There are no refunds or prorations for unused days remaining in your billing period unless you cancel your subscription within 30 days of the sign up date.

If you are signing up for myStratus Standard or Professional, then you are also authorizing StudioPlus Software, LLC to create an subscription for your business. You agree to abide to the "Terms Of Use" agreement, as amended from time to time, of the site as posted at You are NOT charged a "Monthly Fee" or "Annual Fee" for InSpiredByYou. If you decide to receive sales through, a flat 3% "Service Fee" is charged monthly for every sale processed through The "Service Fee" does not include any credit card processing charges that may be charged directly to you by your credit card processing company. StudioPlus reserves the right to change the pricing structure or fees at any time. Any changes will be effective 30 days after notice of any change is provided on our website or by notice to you.

You will now be prompted for your credit card details on the next page. You will NOT be charged a fee today! Your first monthly/annual fee will be charged to your credit card automatically in 30 days. You must email your cancellation request to before then if you do not wish to continue. We are sorry, but no refunds can be issued once the payment has been processed.

 I have read and agree to the terms.