(available in
The Digital Workflow is designed for digital studios. The purpose is to automate the workflow in a digital studio. The Digital Workflow hub displays sessions and production orders that have statuses that are associated with one of the digital workflow stages. See the "Session Statuses" and "Production Statuses" topics of the "Spectra Maintenance" chapter.
View your job list in the Workflow Stages section. The jobs will display session/production number, due date, client name and status. You can sort the jobs by any of the columns by simply clicking the column header. Or search for a job in your list by clicking Search. Choose your search criteria and your jobs will be displayed. The Workflow Stages section can be unpinned and hidden to the right of your screen. Click the little arrow before the workflow stage label. When you move you cursor away from the list to the left, the list will slide into the right side of the screen. To get it back, move your cursor to the far right edge of the screen and it will slide back out. To pin it to stay in place again, just click on the small arrow again to make it face the other way.
For more information on the digital features in Spectra see the Working with the Digital Workflow chapter.
The Workflow Hub