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Reference #: SPTV 5-104
Created: 00.00.00
Last Revised: 00.00.00

Tracking Production Orders

Learn how to keep track of all your production orders, so that no orders fall through the cracks.

Please note: Because we are continually updating our library of training videos as new versions of our software are released, this video will likely show an older or newer version of StudioPlus Spectra/myStratus than you have installed. Don't worry! The video will still give you a great overview of this feature.


Outline: Tracking Production Orders

  1. Searching for production orders
    1. By client, session, or invoice on the production tab
    2. By production order on the production hub
      1. Order number
      2. Order type
      3. Order status
      4. Vendor
  2. Update order status
    1. Find Production order
      1. Click "Change Order Status" button
      2. Verify new status
  3. Tracking reorders
    1. Go back to original invoice
      1. Create production order for the specific vendor
      2. Update order number, order notes, and status accordingly
      3. May want to add a reorder status
  4. Order status reports
    1. Select order types, vendors, and statues
    2. Select "Orders Due by" to only view upcoming orders
    3. Use daily/weekly to track production department

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