This time of the year is always very exciting around here as we get ready to release a new version of the software! Our great team of developers, testers, and documentation specialists have been busy creating some awesome new features for all of you to enjoy in 2015.
Over the next several days, I’ll start sharing some of the great work they’ve been doing. Our focus in 2015 is once again on productivity. How can we help you accomplish more in less time? How can Spectra or myStratus do more work for you so you can focus on running a more profitable business? In the coming days you’ll see how Spectra and myStratus 2015 will help you do just that!
However, before we look ahead at 2015, I thought it would be fun to take a look back at where we’ve come from. Many of you may not realize that both the Spectra and myStratus software products originally started as a product called “StudioPlus” back in 1998. Any of you remember what version 1.0 was like? And yes, StudioPlus 1.0 still works today, even on Windows 8!
Here is a look at the version 1.0 splash screen 17 years ago!
Check out these highly prized icons from the first ever navigation menu!
The first version had to support monitors with screen resolutions as small as 640 X 480 (compared to today’s 5K+ monitors), which meant the following was all you could see on the calendar.
Here is a look at the first client card.
And even the first version included our one-of-a-kind Scheduling Wizard, which is still being used (in a more updated version) tens of thousands of times every single day!
StudioPlus has certainly come a long way over the past 17 years, thanks to great clients like you! The awesome suggestions we receive every year keep us from ever becoming satisfied with the status quo. In fact, one of our core values as a company is Constant Innovation.
“As a technology company, we recognize that greatness today will become obsolete tomorrow. In today’s changing world, continuous, creative, outside-of-the-box product development is key to ensuring our customers’ success.”
We realize our 2015 release will not address every suggestion we receive. Out of the hundreds of suggestions we receive each year, we go through a painstaking process to prioritize every single one, coming up with a list we feel is the most beneficial for our large customer base. Nevertheless, Spectra and myStratus 2015 are truly the best products we have ever produced. We look forward to revealing them to you very soon!