Occasionally you may be unable to login because there are too many users already logged in. The software keeps track of how many users are logged in and how many your license allows.
When you have a network issue or get an error that closes the software, often time users won’t get “logged out” of the database because Windows closed the software improperly. Or if you have a power outage and the computer shuts down, the software is not able to determine the user has logged out. We call those phantom users.
Here’s how to resolve this in most cases:
- Go to a computer that has the software open.
- Go to Help > View Logged-In Users to see a list of all users and which computers they are logged into.
- If you see a user on a computer that you know is not really logged into Spectra, go to that computer and then log in.
- Now log out to free up the user.
- If you see a computer listed without a user showing, turn that computer off (Start > Shut Down Computer)
- Once you have done this for all phantom users, try logging in again.
If these steps didn’t clear your phantom users, give us a call. We’re here to help!