Home > Appointments & Sessions > Appointments > Appointment Maintenance > Appointment StatusesAppointment Statuses
Statuses are a powerful workflow tracking feature throughout the software, designed to keep things from falling through the cracks by organizing the many areas of your business - appointments, clients, communications, sessions, invoices, production, and tasks - into custom workflows. Basically, you create a workflow by defining the steps of a process from beginning to end. These steps are called statuses. Appointment Statuses are used to help you track your appointments from booking through completion. A sample appointment workflow may include the following statuses:
Appointment Statuses by Type - Appointment statuses are sorted by each Appointment Type. This simply means you will be able to set up a different set of statuses for each of your appointment types. For example, say your workflow for a "Sales Presentation" appointment is very different than "Senior Consultation" appointments. To see the statuses for another appointment type, click the down arrow next to the appointment type and choose a type from the list. See also: Appointment Types
Choose an appointment type from the drop-down list.
Click New to add a status.
Complete the following fields:
Description - Enter a short description for the appointment status. Make sure to give each status a unique description. For example, use "Sales Presentation Booked" for a sales presentation status and "Senior Consultation Booked" for a senior consultation status. This will come in handy when sorting on the Appointments hub.
Default Duration -Enter the number of business days this step normally takes. The software uses the duration to calculate a Status Due Date that appears on the session. You can use status due dates to see what items are overdue and catch things that may be falling through cracks.
Initial/Final Status - Your appointment workflow cycle must have one step that is the Initial Status and one step that is the Final Status. To change your selection, choose a new step as the initial/final status and the software will reassign it.
When finished, click OK to save your appointment status list.
To maintain your appointment list, you may also want to:
Make a Status Inactive - Make an appointment status inactive by checking the Inactive box on a status in the list.
Set the Initial/Final Status - Quickly change the initial and/or final statuses by checking and unchecking the appropriate boxes on the status list.
Delete a Status - Highlight the status and click Delete on the ribbon.
Rearrange the List - Highlight an appointment status and use the Move Up and Move Down tools on the ribbon.
Hide Inactive Statuses - Click Hide Inactive on the ribbon to hide (or reveal) any inactive statuses.
Print the List - Click Print on the ribbon to generate a printed report of your appointment statuses.
Export the List - Click Export to PDF/Excel to export a file.
Close the appointment status list when finished.