The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Online Booking (myStratus ONLY) > Online Booking Set up - Session and Appointment Types
Online Booking Set up - Session and Appointment Types

NOTE: This feature is available in the Standard, Professional, and Enterprise versions of myStratus Desktop. Spectra does not include this feature.

Enable Session & Appointment Types for Online Booking

The next step in setting up online booking is to choose the online settings for each of the session and appointment types you want to offer online. The process for setting up Appointment Types is almost identical to setting up Session Types. Appointment types can be set up by going to Maintenance > Appointments > Appointment Types. See Appointment Types for detailed instructions on setting up online booking settings for appointment types as well as general set up instructions.

  1. In myStratus, go to Maintenance > Session > Session Types. See Also: Session Types for general set up steps.

  2. Double-click to open a session type you want to offer online.

  3. Open the Online Booking tab.

  4. Complete the following Online Booking settings for this session type.

    • Available for Online Booking - Check this box to enable online booking for this session type. This will include it in the list of session types your clients can choose from during the online booking process. It's important you only enable session types you plan to actually create available time slots for. (This will make more sense when you get to Step 4: Create Online Time Slots below).

    • Copy Online Booking URL - Click this button to get the URL for your clients to bypass the "Session Selection" screen and go straight to booking with this session type.

    • Online Description - Enter the name for this type of session as you want it displayed online. Note: This can be different than what you use internally.

    • Marketing Description - We encourage you to enter a longer description here. Let the client know what to expect with this type of session.

    • Auto-Remove conflicting time slots upon booking - Check this box if you want Stratus to automatically remove any conflicting time slots if one time slot is booked. For example, let's say the you have one 60 minute time slot with two 30 minute time slots in the same time period. If a client books the 60 minute time slot, then the two 30 minute time slots should now get deleted. If later the session is cancelled, all three time slots should reappear.  

    • Display Price - Check this box if you want a price displayed online for the session type and enter the price. Note: This price field is purely informational for your clients -- there is no connection to the price list or any invoice that may be generated. Make sure the display price accurately reflects the amount of any invoice that may be created. 

    • Auto-Create Invoice - Check this box to have a session fee invoice automatically created when someone books this type of session. You'll choose what items are added to the invoice on the Price List Items tab, described in the next step.

    • Online Payment - Check this box if the online booking website should require a payment when a session is booked.

    • Payment Options - Choose how you want to handle payment. There are two options:

      • Require invoice payment in listed price - This option is only available if you've checked the Auto-Create Invoice box above. Enter the payment amount required. The payment will be applied to the created invoice. to include a Price List Line Item (such as a session fee) on the created invoice, see the Price List Items tab to have a price list item automatically added to your invoice (See Step 6 on this page).

      • Require invoice payment in full amount - This option is designed to be use if this session is also offering a promotion online. The user will be prompted to enter the full amount in case they also apply a promo code that brings the pricing lower than the listed price.

      • Require customer deposit - This option will create a customer deposit in the specific amount you specify. The deposit will be linked to the client and can be applied to an invoice at a later date. See also: Customer Deposits

    • Session Statuses - Choose default session statuses for booked sessions, canceled sessions, and rescheduled sessions. For tracking purposes, it's recommended to create statuses that are unique to online booking, such as Session Booked - Online, Session Rescheduled - Online, Session Cancelled - Online.

    • Location Address - After clients book their appointment online, their confirmation page will display the location for their session. Choose from this drop-down which location should be displayed to the client. This drop down includes free-text.

  5. On the Online Booking 2 tab, you can choose to upload a marketing image that will be displayed as an example of the appointment during online booking. This tab is also used to select which promotional items should be available online with this session type. See also: Online Booking Promotions

  6. Here's an overall idea how your choices appear online:

  7. Before you close the session type maintenance, click the Price List Items tab. If you checked the option to auto-create a session fee invoice (above), then use this tab to choose which item(s) should automatically be added to this new invoice. Note: If you don't choose any items on this tab, an invoice will still be created, but with an Invoice Total of $0. 


    The option to automatically add items to a session fee invoice is not limited to online booking. You can also use this feature to auto-add line items any time a session fee invoice is being created for this session type! See more in the Session Types topic.

  8. Click OK to save and close the session type.

  9. Repeat steps 2-6 for any other session types you want to offer online.

  10. Close the Session Types maintenance window when finished.

See also

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