The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Digital Workflow > Workflow How To's > Chroma Key
Chroma Key

NOTE: This feature is available in the Professional and Enterprise versions of both Spectra and myStratus Desktop.

Do you photograph clients with a green/blue screen in order to swap in various backgrounds? Spectra/myStratus can help you do just that. 

Using Green Screen/Chroma Key

  1. Select a session on the Workflow hub.

  2. Click on a preview image with a green/blue screen. Tip: Shift-click to select all images with a chroma key to edit all of them at once.

  3. On the ribbon, click on the arrow under Retouch and select Edit Chroma Key Image.

  4. The software will convert the hi-res JPG(s) to hi-res PNG(s) and save in the "Retouched" image folder.

  5. The image(s) will open in Photoshop.

  6. Eliminate the green background manually (or with an optional chroma key plug-in).

  7. Save image(s) as PNG file(s) with a transparent background.

  8. In the Spectra/myStratus editing window, check the green checkmark for each finished image.

  9. The preview(s) in Spectra/myStratus will automatically be refreshed and displayed with a transparent background.

  10. Use your prebuilt background templates to create one or more options for the client.

Creating Background Templates

  1. Create a new composite template. See also: Designing Composite Templates

  2. Add a background image to the Background layer. Tip: You can have multiple backgrounds in one template by using the Layer Selections property. 

  3. Resize the drop zone to fill the template.

  4. Change the fill color of the drop zone to transparent (0,255,255,255). This allows the background to show in the template thumbnail.

  5. Save the template.

See also

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