The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Clients > Client How To's > Net Promoter Scores (NPS) (myStratus Only)
Net Promoter Scores (NPS) (myStratus Only)

NOTE: This feature is available in the Standard, Professional, and Enterprise versions of myStratus Desktop. Spectra does not include this feature.

 Ever received a 1-10 scoring scale from a business you visited online?  “How likely are you to recommend our service to a friend or colleague?”

The number you select during this survey contributes to something called a Net Promoter Score. Net Promoter scores are the latest “Hot Topic” in the business world. Your answer to this question shows the business whether you’re a Detractor, Passive, or a Promoter. Net Promoter Scores are a registered trademark of Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company, and Satmetrix.

To determine your overall Net Promoter Score, take the total percentage of Detractors and subtract it from the total percentage of Promoters. This difference tells you your overall performance. It also helps you determine which clients are going to stay loyal to your brand, and which clients need some extra attention and care. The highest number you can get is 100 (100% Promoters), and the lowest number is -100 (100% Detractors).

Detractor – If a client rates 0-6 on their Net Promoter survey, they’re considered a Detractor to your business. Something was perceived to go wrong along the way and these clients probably don’t plan to work with you in the future. They may even try to prevent others from utilizing your services.

Passive – If a client rates a 7 or 8 on their Net Promoter survey, they’re considered a Passive to your business. They appreciate your business but aren’t necessarily going to spread the word of your products/services.

Promoter – If a client rates 9 or 10 on their Net Promoter survey, they’re considered a Promoter of your business. These clients are enthusiastic about your brand and will continue to use your services and promote you to others. 

Setting up the Net Promoter Survey Email in myStratus

myStratus has the capability to automatically send this survey out to clients via email or SMS, gather their response, and report it back to you on the corresponding client's session record. The Net Promoter rating table can be sent to client's session record from HTML emails (or as an SMS Text Message - keep reading to find out more!). To add this field to your emails, it can be found at Insert Data Field > Special Fields > NPS Rating Bar in the HTML email Builder (located at Tools > Design Tools > HTML Email Builder). Because of the additional coding necessary for this feature, it must be added to your email by the Insert Data Field option in the ribbon. It cannot be added using the Get Field List option in the ribbon. See also: HTML Email Builder 

Note: Due to the dynamic nature of this feature, it is not available on Form Letters.

After you have the email set up, you can send it out manually or utilize Triggers (Professional Version Only) to automatically send the email after a client's session reaches a certain stage in your workflow (e.g. after they complete a session or place an order).

HERE'S A FLASH FOR YOU!            

There's already an email in myStratus ready for you to use! Within the HTML email builder, look for the email labeled Sample: Net Promoter Score

To customize this email for your business, switch to the Source tab. Then scroll to where it says <!--LOOK AT ME... This is the location where you can include your own logo and/or Marketing image. Within the segment, look for the URL the begins with http://spis02... and replace it with a URL to your own Logo. Or delete these segments altogether if there's an image you don't want to use.

Scrolling further down the email, you can modify the wording of the email. We'd recommend not modifying any tags (e.g. <br>) in the email unless you have prior HTML coding experience.

Using NPS Ratings for Triggers - 
NOTE: This feature is available in the Professional and Enterprise versions of myStratus Desktop. Spectra does not include this feature.

Numerous options are available with Triggers (Maintenance > General > Triggers) allowing you to communicate with your clients before, during, and after they submit the NPS rating. See also: Triggers

The most common usage is with the Session trigger using NPS Receipt Date. See also: Trigger Types

For other trigger options, such as creating a customer service phone call if a client leaves a poor NPS rating or a task when a client leaves feedback online, exclusions are also available to bypass clients who've already entered their NPS, include clients within a specific NPS range, and only email clients who've actually entered a comment online.

Client's Perspective

After receiving your email to rate their experience with you, the client is presented with the following:

They then select which number corresponds to their experience and will be redirected to the following page where they can enter more information.

NPS SMS Triggers - NEW 2020 -
NOTE: This feature is available in the Professional and Enterprise versions of myStratus Desktop. Spectra does not include this feature.

Note: This addition to the Net Promoter Score feature requires the SMS add-on. Click here to learn more.

Since people are much more likely to respond to a text message vs an email, myStratus also has the capability to send a specialized text message via triggers to gather the net promoter ratings. This trigger can be set up at Maintenance > General > Triggers and can only be based on Session or Invoice records. In the Trigger Action Details section, select to Automatically send a Net Promoter SMS Text Message for me.

Different from a traditional SMS trigger, a new tab will appear called NPS SMS where you can customize the text sent out to clients. Important: The only necessary customization is to include the name of your business at the beginning of the text to remind clients who's sending this message. When the client responds to this message with a number, it will populate in the NPS Rating field on the Online tab of the corresponding session record. If the client responds with more than just a rating - such as "10 Great Service!" - the software will take the extra content and include it in the Comment field. 

After customizing the first text message, you can optionally send a second message to gather more feedback from the client. Check the box Automatically send a response after client replies with rating to activate and customize the auto response. Their response to this message will populate the Comment field on the corresponding session record's Online tab. If the client responded with more than a rating in the first message and included more feedback in the second message, both messages will append together on the Comment field.

Reviewing NPS Ratings

Once a client enters their number on the NPS survey and responds to the feedback online, their information will automatically return to myStratus. All information can be found at the Online tab on the corresponding Client and Session records.

Client records will display the average NPS for this client based on ALL previously entered ratings as well as the client's Net Promoter Delta (meaning the difference between their last Net Promoter rating and their most recent).
Session records will display the NPS given for that particular record as well as any feedback and the date it was recorded.

Dashboard Reports
The following Data Types are available with Dashboard reports. See Dashboard Reports for more information on building reports.

  • Client Net Promoter Delta - This report shows the average NPS delta of the selected set of clients. A Delta is the difference between a client's most recent session's NPS and their previous one. Learn how your Net Promoter ratings have changed over time!
  • Sessions Net Promoter Ratings - This report will show you the average NPS rating given on the selected set of sessions. Note: This report displays information based on the NPS Received Date, not the Session Date.
  • Sessions Net Promoter Score - This report reveals your business's Net Promoter Score based on the selected set of sessions. This data takes the total percentage of Promoters (9-10) and subtracts the total percentage of Detractors (0-6). Note: This report displays information based on the NPS Received Date, not the Session Date


See also

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