The majority of the contents in this guide apply to both StudioPlus Spectra AND myStratus Desktop.
In most cases, instructions referring to "Spectra" also apply to myStratus Desktop.


Home > Appointments & Sessions > Sessions > Session How To's > FAQ: How to send a Session Confirmation to a Bill-To Client
FAQ: How to send a Session Confirmation to a Bill-To Client

NOTE: This feature is available in the Standard, Professional, and Enterprise versions of both Spectra and myStratus Desktop.

This can be useful for Business Headshots if the Bill-To Client needs a session reminder.

  1. Create either a form letter or HTML email based on Invoices.  For more info on Form Letters or HTLM Emails, follow the links

  1. Insert the Data Field: Client First Name if you like – it will use the Bill to Client's First Name
  2. If you want to include the Session Date and Time, use the Insert Data Field to add that, as well as any other info you’d like to include
  3. Now create a client record for the person you will be shooting, or you can do it directly via the Bill-To Client portion of the Invoice.  This allows you to send Marketing to this person, even though the Session is not booked on this record
  4. Book the Session on the Business or Event that is hosting the shoot
  5. Add the Invoice to the Session record, and set the Bill-To Client to the person you're shooting
  6. Save the Invoice (not Save and Close)
  7. Go to Communication tab, New Email
  8. Select the Form Letter or HTML email you created in 1 above
  9. It will prompt you “Do you want to send this email to the Bill-To Client instead of the Session Client” – select yes

See also

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